A pleasing potpourri, Selangor has a fascinating diversity of creeds, cultures, and races in its population. Malay, Chinese, and Indians mingle freely with other minorities such as the Eurasians. Home to more than 2.74 million, Selangor is also the most populated state in the country.
Selangor's history dates back to the 15th Century when the discovery of tin deposits opened the floodgates for miners and other immigrants who rushed in looking for instant wealth from the soils. By the middle of the 18th Century, the Bugis had begun to dominate the state, both politically and economically, in large numbers. Their skills as navigators, traders, and warriors allowed them to extend their sphere of influence, ultimately establishing the present Sultanate of Selangor. However, fighting between the Bugis, Chinese, and Malay nobility paved the way for British rule, which lasted until the country gained independence in 1957.
As tin and rubber became prime commodities in the world market, Selangor's wealth grew, thus laying the foundation for activities, which thrusted the state into industrialization. Many of the country's largest industrial operations are found in the various industrial zones. They range from commercial activities to manufacturing, tourism, and industrial.
Once a prolific producer of tin-ore, Selangor today is renown for the world famous Royal Selangor Pewter. Pewter items are made from refined tin, antimony, and copper. Royal Selangor pewter is considered original and the best of its kind. Its factory, located in Setapak, is opened to public.
Shopping in Selangor is an experience in itself. There are bustling "pasar malam" (night markets), bazaars, quaint little shops, department stores, and modern multifaceted shopping malls, each providing its own unique shopping experience.
Eating out will be no problem in Selangor. The state has evolved into a gourmet's paradise with its varied offerings of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and international cuisine. Selangor abounds with high classed restaurants of every imaginable cuisine. However, the cheapest and therefore most popular places are the roadside hawkers who offer a full range of local delicacies. The visitor may also find that coconut and sugarcane juices are great thirst quenchers, as well as easily available!
Home to the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at Sepang, which opened on June 27th, 98, Selangor is set to lead the nation's development into the next millennium.
Getting Around
Moving around the state is hardly a problem as Selangor has an extensive highway and road system linking it to other parts of the country. Selangor also has effective bus and taxi services, most of which are air-conditioned. Or you may prefer to proceed via train networks such as the electric KTM Komuter Train and the Light Rail Transit (LRT).
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